5 Nov 2010

#5 ELT activity with WORDLE

This is the link to the blog entry in which appears the sample creation using WORDLE: http://web20tools.blogspot.com/2010/11/sample5-wordle.html

This is the link of the blog entry in which you will find a complete description of the tool, how to use it and some extra ideas: http://web20tools.blogspot.com/2010/11/5-wordle-description.html

De activities

Skills: reading and writing.

Objectives: FOR STUDENTS TO:
Have fun while developing new strategies and knowledge of new technologies.
Develop their writing and reading skills.
Get to know each other / famous people better through the use of descriptions.

If you are working on the topic of personal/physical description, it would be a good idea to use WORDLE.NET.

1. Here you can choose between two different options: you can work with famous people o with your students’ own descriptions of themselves.

2. Let them know that it is of vital importance that they do not tell their mates anything about the description they are working on.

3. No matter which option you choose, make your students turn the description into a word cloud. If they are working with famous people, you can make them work in groups. If you prefer to work with the other option, it will be better to make them work individually.

4. Once the word clouds are ready, ask your students to send them to you by email. You will then have to create a blog and insert your students clouds in different entries.

5. Invite your students to comment on the entries and to guess who each particular cloud belongs to and who it is describing. Encourage them to tell the others why they think that way, and which they think the key words are.

6. Once all your students have participated and commented in the different entries, ask them to post a new comment under the cloud they have created with the full text of their description so that their mates can know the solution.

Evaluation criteria:

In order to evaluate this activity you will first have to correct your students written descriptions taking into account the amount of specific vocabulary used in the text and some possible grammar mistakes.

What you can do is to invite your students to write a first draft and hand it in, you correct it and give it back for students to create a final copy that you will have to check again.

Once all the descriptions are ready, upload them to the blog.

You may not correct your students’ mistakes in the comments they post but do take note and discuss them in class (especially those mistakes that affect communication or are related to the topic you are teaching).

Also, take into account for the final mark students’ participation in the blog.

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